
Fake it Till you Make it

Taking a look at faking self-confidence till you feel it.

As someone who is on the spectrum, faking self-confidence until you can feel it doesn't feel right. So I have to lie to myself to make myself feel better, but it seems to be the advice I keep coming across when it comes to building self-confidence. Then I have the question of what does that even look like. Thinking about it, it could be creating your own version of self-confidence. Asking your self, "what does being self-confident mean to me?". Maybe it's like building an avatar, there are some elements that are still you in there or even that base part is you, and you add these fragments and parts to make improvements. Many people hide behind an avatar, something that represents them but feel as if it is a better version of them because they feel better looking, or they feel stronger. Is self-confidence just putting on an avatar until you start building the skills, making upgrades, and collecting your rewards? Maybe that's what it is for me. I have to play the game, customizing my base avatar with what is available from where you first load in and having your base skill set. Your base skill set will help you level up and gain more skills. So there is nothing wrong with me, I need to gain more skills. Once you gain skill, you level up and you get better loot. My point is it's not that it's being fake, ok you might need a dash of delusion to get started think of it as the excitement of starting a brand-new game, but confidence is built on your base level. To fake it till you make it you have to understand that who you are right now is good enough and that going out with that belief will help you develop your skill and become better, you become better by doing. So faking it is just doing it and giving some delulu. If you believe it, you are half way there. If you believe you can't, you have already failed. Steps:

  1. Believe that you can do it
  2. Put in the work
  3. Become sensational